Collect It

Sharing & security

Data security is our top priority. We know that security is one of the most important requirements of a data management platform.

Get Started
  • Encryption

    Array converts data into code, preventing unauthorized access.


    Array has a CAPTCHA program that generates tests that humans can pass but computer programs cannot.

  • Multiple Permissions

    As an admin you can give multiple permissions to members of your team to edit and view certain reports.

  • Account Permissions

    It is possible to give other members of your team account permissions, so they may access specific account information.

Share It

Share forms with your team directly or via your website
Share public forms with custom links, social channels, embedding or even email.

  • Public share

    Public share In browser forms

    Create a shareable link to any form. Send it to any; browser, desktop, or mobile.

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  • Public share

    Custom link Personalized URL's

    Create custom links for your forms. This gives that extra element of branding to your forms.

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  • Embed form code

    Embed form code In your website

    Add contact, feedback, or enquiry forms to your website or blog. We give you the code to copy and paste.

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  • QR code

    QR code Scan to load form

    Add scannable QR codes to your flyers and posters, enabling customers to load forms on their phones.

    Learn more
Manage It

Give your team the forms they need.

You can create different administration access levels for different forms - this means that you can ensure your team always has access to what they need.

Field Sales Team Store Team Finance Team ~ ~

Store and pull data from your apps.

Use integrations to link all your favourite apps - so you can trigger actions, store data, and share information easier.

  • Your apps, your way

    Send data to your favorite apps, or use them as a data source to pull from.

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  • No limits, no third parties

    Our direct integration saves you money by not having to pay to connect your apps.

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  • Make it flow

    Connect multiple apps to create a work flow with one submission of a form.

    See Integrations

Secure your forms and reports

Array ensures that your data is being stored and transferred in the most secure methods possible. We utilize; 256-bit SSL, PGP email encryption software, password protection, data encryption, and CAPTCHA. Protecting your data and your reputation is our top priority.

Webhooks & API

Use the Array platform with a standard OAuth to quickly build and launch your own integration that works with Array.