It may not be hard to picture situations where you may already have data concerning someone who is interacting with your Array forms, whether it be in your CRM or in Google Drive.
Data search allows you to search external applications or integrations such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Base CRM, Evernote and many more. If a match is found, Array will auto-populate the form with their information, saving time for you and your clients.
Maybe you're holding an event and you want to check whether or not someone is on your attendee list — if they are, Array’s data search can auto-populate their information, and they can freely enter your event, instead of your attendees having to manually enter the same information over and over again. If the search yields no results, use this as an opportunity to capture their information before they enter or you can turn them away.
Two-way sync
Another great feature of Array’s Data Search function is its ability to two-way sync with data. This feature can be applied to infinite business practices. For instance, businesses can produce sign-up forms to capture sales leads at promotional and networking events, posing as a two-in-one solution that can both capture new contact data as well as update existing members.
Simply connect your Array form to your chosen CRM, application or email software and have contacts search for themselves. When their data appears, they can update it on the spot, and if they’re absent from the system they can sign up. A great example of this in action can be seen in the video below.
As you can see, data search and two-way sync provide a variety of ways to augment your existing workflows and boost productivity.
Incorporate Data Search into your own forms today!
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